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River & A Rose in Crevice


The fervent love and painful hatred have all turned into a river flowing beneath the ground. All the people spread on earth have scattered like dark red petals among into the archaic city. The bell tolled. Faraway in the forgotten crevice between rocks, full of thistles and thorns, a rose bloomed in its pride under the moonlight.

-- 2013

Life runs by, along the river of time
Its essence blooms in an ancient crevice

End of the Day

130 x 80 cm
Oil on Canvas

The Bell Tolls

100 x 100 cm
Oil on Canvas

Life in Cleft

130 x 80 cm
Oil on Canvas

Midnight Hum

120 x 90 cm
Oil on Canvas

Moonlight Lullaby

100 x 70 cm
Oil on Canvas

Life in Clift, it is basically about how the course of our lives are shaped by the entwined, complexed, never ending relations which never quits from existing among all of us. 

...Then the bell tolled to my heart. I woke up and opened my eyes to the darkness. The whispering sound then began to scream. In my mind it kept rising and rising, shouting out the existence of who I am.

Strive! For once, crash down into the darkness, end it, in the flame of your fearless pride! 

-- 2013

A Slave Chained to Board

100 x 100 cm
Oil on Canvas


100 x 100 cm
Oil on Canvas

River Underground

120 x 90 cm
Oil on Canvas

Black Birds

130 x 80 cm
Oil on Canvas

River & A Rose in Crevice

130 x 80 cm
Oil on Canvas

The bell echoing
Thousand years of past
Flowing down the river of time

Humble lives running in moonlight

Like frightened fugitives

Chained to the board by regrets

And became a slave

Twisted shapes struggling in between clefts

Among humanity such decay survives 

But your spirit is an endless of hope

It takes you across the swamp

Fly high above the mountains

Until the darkness breaks at last

Fear flaps its black wings and escape

Your courage will turn into the sun

Rising in the east sky

Your soul will bloom with pride

In shape of a rose in crevice

Long live integrity and courage

Long live the radiance of human passion

-- 2013
Black birds in this series represents fear. They appeared multiple times throughout the series. I think by the time I was working on the series, I for the first time, understood the necessity of confronting to fear. I think the experiences I had that period made me realize what I was hiding from, what I was trying to cover up, with the seek of fame or wealth, the indulgence of vanity, the conforming... I was so tired of such kind of goals that I had to put up with. I decided that I don't want to be escaping any more. So in this painting, toward the end of this series, the black birds scattered and a real me appeared. A new me, who shall not be enslaved by fear any more.

Behind The Scene