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Il Mondo è Un
The world
is a little
point of
blue light
Inspired by the sentence:
Il mondo è un puntino di luce blu
(The world is a little point of blue light)
From the song L’incontro - Andrea Bocelli
Which I’ve rediscovered in 2018 after many years of knowing the song

Throughout the frustrating sights
Deep within darkness surrounding
Disappointing and exhausting
Broken and twisted.
Yet still, there it is
A little point of blue light
As how I see it.
I wish to dedicate the love for a child
To the world
For the sake of its treasurable hope.
- 2018 -

Innocente, Fragile, Vivo
Fragile, innocent, alive
100 x 60 cm Oil on Canvas

Il Soffio Degli Angeli
The breath of angels
100 x 60 cm Oil on Canvas

M' Appare Come In Sogno Il Mio Destino
Destiny appears to me like a dream
100 x 60 cm Oil on Canvas

Behind The Scene
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